Hear Ben, Bob, and Chad discuss these books!
Check out episode 61 of the Win Make Give Podcast: 5 Must Read Leadership Books
Jim Roan said that formal education will make you a living self-education will make you a fortune. When I interviewed David Goggins, he made a comment to me. He said, Ben, there’s nobody
coming to save you. And that’;s shook me for years since David and I had that first conversation of
there’s nobody coming to save me and get me prepared for retirement. There's nobody coming to save
me and help me change my expenses. There's nobody coming to say, Hey, I'm going to help you increase
your income, right? There's nobody coming to save me because of that. I have to become my own
student of wealth in, in college that didn't talk about money. No, I had an accounting class in high school
that didn't talk about it. Nope. The vast majority of, of the leadership books out there don't talk about
money. Nope. There's some financial books that talk about retirement, right? There's some real estate
books that talk about real estate, but there isn't really one source of information that says, this is how
you truly understand money, wealth and get yourself on track. This is our job. Your job will be to
research things like retirement expense management,
Speaker 1 ( 02:23 ):
Which we would call savings, right? Figuring out how to track your net worth, where to invest your
money, how to minimize the amount of money legally that you, that you pay in taxes. Like truly
understanding that wealth is a multi subject discipline. And I would encourage you To read books about
money, read books, about wealth, read books, about taxes, read books about real estate. Read them
about all these different subjects. And I got hundreds of them on my bookshelf, Chad, because I myself
have not become the master of money. I have become a student of money and I'm on this ongoing
mission to really understand how money works, how it affects me and my businesses and how it can get
me set up for retirement to protect my family, my friends, my employees, our companies, and our
community. That's our job.
Speaker 2 ( 03:26 ):
And you were just talking you and I, before we came in here and we're recording this, I had said to you,
Hey, I saw an article last night about one of the, one of the things that's inside of this new massive bill
that, that just got passed around the coronavirus. And I said, have you seen that? And you said, yeah, I
saw that. And we started talking about the article and he said, you know, one of the first things I did is I
sent over my tax people and I wanted them to look at it and give me feedback on it. So like every single
day you're out there looking for opportunities to learn more about your finances.
Speaker 1 ( 03:57 ):
Yeah. In fact, Bob and I, we share the same app on our phone, uh, the smart news app. And we add all
these different channels in there. Right. And MarketWatch and, uh, financial channels and health
channels and news and tech and all these different articles. So we're reading a lot of the same things.
That's absolutely what happened. I read it. I tried to understand it. Then I sent it to my people and says,
does this apply to us? Is this something that could help us? Or is this something that I need to know
about? And I run it through that additional layer of a filter when it comes to really understanding
money. There's one concept that everybody acts like they understand, but they don't leverage it. They
don't live it. They don't truly say I'm going to make my life about taking advantage of this one.
Speaker 1 ( 04:45 ):
Concept printing our own money. Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. Yes. Making our own money. What's the
concept Ben invested in Bitcoin. There you go. We'll do a whole episode on that. That we'll hope nobody
listens to cause no one knows, understands that one. Now it's simple and complicated. It's called
compound interest. Okay. We've all heard the term. Everybody knows what compound interest is yet.
Like you're saying, nobody really knows what compound interest is. Help us compound interest. It's
simple. It's interest paid on interest. It's the result of reinvesting the interest you earned rather than
paying it out so that the interest you earned last year, you now earn interest on that. Plus your original
principled sum. And it continues to grow and grow over time. Let me use a, a real tangible example. We
put a thousand dollars into our bank account. Got it. And we earn a 10% return on that thousand dollars
Speaker 1 ( 05:52 ):
We're doing math again. It's the money series. You're making us do math. I'm going to switch to Bob. He
actually competed. It's good. He's good. At math, he was on the math teams of Bob.
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